
Grand prognoses of the coming fabulous decades

 World is rapidly changing before our very eyes. Sitting in 2021, we are in  vastly different world from 2011 and 2001 seems ancient history.  Clearly, technology is the driver biggest change seen in these two decades. But have new seeds been sown already for another sweeping change in the near future?  1. Technology will become ever more seamless and integrate into every part of our lives.  2. Technology will expand from computers and Information Technology to other parts of the economy.      *  Digitalization of money has already reached an advanced stage, what is next to be digitalize?      3. The cycle of changes is shortening rapidly, which makes  it likely that future changes will spread even more quicker than currently expected. This makes it likely that we may have already entered a world where things evolve rapidly over 3-4 years instead of 10-20 years in the recent past.   * This means that everyone will have a few 'innings' to play in their adult lives. In the past,

A SUPER-net that delivers

  (SUPER Net) Subterranean Unmanned Packet  Exchange and Routing  Network A large conveyor system underneath streets to deliver boxes straight to buildings in large cities could be the next step in our connected world. Its goal would be to deliver boxes ("Packets") from any place to its destination within the network  with the help of sensors and routing technology.   Goals / Vision     An underground network of moving conveyor belts that send boxes directly to buildings could really make a city truly modern and almost magical. Imagine ordering a package online and it is delivered (popped out of the pipe) straight to your home in minutes. Or ordering your favorite restaurant dinner on your app and within minutes the food pops out in your building. The list is endless. Ordering from your nearest grocery stores would be a breeze -- pressing a few buttons on your app and voila! Groceries appear within minutes at your doorsteps. Office papers, documents etc can all be shipped in